Trials of Atlantis ( October 28, 2003) - Added 3 new races (Half-Ogre, Frostalf, Shar) and high level content and zones (which are the same for each realm), also includes new terrain graphics for all areas of the game (including trees).Foundations ( June 18, 2003) - Added player housing (free expansion).Shrouded Isles ( November 12, 2002) - Added 6 new classes (Neromancer, Reaver Savage, Bonedancer Valewalker, Animist), 3 races (Valkyn, Inconnu, Sylvan) and a brand new land for each realm near the size of the old world (in addition to the old world), which also includes epic dungeons.Mythic has produced six expansions (4 retail, 2 free) for DAoC: Hibernia: Celt, Elf, Firbolg, Lurikeen, Shar, Sylvan. Midgard: Dwarf, Frostalf, Kobold, Norseman, Troll, Valkyn. Hibernia: Animist, Bainshee, Bard, Blademaster, Champion, Druid, Eldritch, Enchanter, Hero, Mentalist, Nightshade, Ranger, Valewalker, Vampiir, Warden.Īlbion: Avalonian, Briton, Half-Ogre, Highlander, Inconnu, Saracen. Midgard: Berserker, Warrior, Healer, Thane, Runemaster, Savage, Bonedancer, Shaman, Skald, Spiritmaster, Warlock, Valkyrie, Hunter, Shadowblade. As of September 21st, 2005 there are 22 North American servers, six of which are outside of a cluster, and the rest are spread out among four clusters.Īlbion: Armsman, Cabalist, Cleric, Friar, Wizard, Infiltrator, Reaver, Mercenary, Necromancer, Paladin, Scout, Heretic, Sorcerer, Theurgist, Minstrel. This new server type was launched after extensive player feedback and irritation with the ToA expansion and the issue of buffbots. These servers, called Classic servers, are similar to standard servers except no content from the Trials of Atlantis expansion is available and all stat-enhancement spells (buffs) can only be cast on players with whom you are grouped and within a certain distance. On the North American version, a new server type has been released. Recently, Mythic Entertainment has introduced "server clustering" - where certain locations (Frontiers, Capital cities) from multiple servers essentially become one location, and players can interact with players from and travel to other servers. Each server can support up to 3500 online players at the same time. There are three role-playing servers, which act as normal servers except you must follow proper role-playing guidelines, a player versus player server, in which everyone is free to attack anyone at any time, and a co-op server, in which there is no RvR. Most of the DAoC population focuses on RvR, mainly because PvE ( player versus environment) can be rather unstimulating or too challenging on many classes (there are, however, some classes who excel at PvE combat, such as the necromancer). They can travel to special areas called Frontiers and fight players from other realms. On normal servers, players cannot harm other members of their realm. For the majority of players, the most interesting part of the game is realm vs.